What if nobody remembers that you existed...


1984 by George Orwell

I read this book last year, but the opinions that I developed are still as vivid. The reason I feel so strongly about this book. Hence, this could be a long read. It could be because of the kind of situation we were trapped in then.

It is such a different book from the very first page that, one need not read the full book to appreciate its greatness. George Orwell’s 1984 is a book that deals with the concept of totalitarian government, and how the intruding government can affect the lives of people not in just physical form but mentally also. As one progresses in the book, one will be shocked to see the kind of invasion that people suffer from in their daily life.

Freedom is the one kind of aspect that human beings have always craved for. Freedom to live life on one’s own terms and choices. And most of the disparity is caused because there is an insecurity of losing this freedom. Sometimes, discipline is said to be the counter of freedom, parents curb freedom in an attempt to inculcate discipline. Too much liberty is said to bring chaos. but the question is chaos for whom? the person learning new things due to the opportunities or the person who is at the risk of being proved wrong? reading 1984 makes you question the sanctity of life as it is and life under a totalitarian, could be governmental or in other forms.

1984 deals with the idea of captivity in an extreme form. When Winston says, ‘Nothing was your own except the few centimeters inside your skull.’, that also seems improbable. Even thoughts that are not approved by the government are a crime. The concept of Thoughtcrime and thought police have been introduced which is at the same time scary. Denizens are scared of being annihilated at the mere thought of criticism and complaint. it is a world where a fascination with the true past is an offense punishable by death.

At the start of the book, we are shown that the protagonist Winston isn't sure that the year is 1984, he isn't sure of his age and the era he lives in. He only knows what has been fed to him by the authorities and he has no choice but to comply. Thinking about it seems horrific because you don't know who you are. you are like any other piece of paper that has been transcribed and you don't have any other option but to believe and live by it. The gravity of the situation is further established with the repetitive use of the word ANNIHILATION. There is no capital Punishment there is annihilation. You think one word against the authority and nobody will know that you ever existed. Totalitarian doubled with existential crises.

Don't we feel deprived when we realize we have we exposed to such a tiny part of our glorious history? isn't it dissatisfying knowing how biased our history books had been in school? Here is a whole country bring run without any credibility of reality. here, I would say real people are forced to live an imaginary life, WITHOUT CHOICE.

Some may say that it is Dystopian Literature, why stress about it. It is important to realize that literature is not absolutely hypothetical. There is a touch of reality and inspiration behind every imagination. 1984 is sometimes considered as a prophecy. But it is rather a cautionary piece about human freedom being on the verge of enslavement by the chains of political enslavement and technology.
It is about, “how power, once acquired, needs the absolute sacrifice of everyone, for the sake of those seeking it and maintaining it”.

Having said this, Although this book is a must-read for everyone, it is not for everyone. Beginners cannot read and grasp it. It has really long sentences, sometimes even extending up to a paragraph. The language is repetitive and is surely an exhausting read. You got to hang on to it. But, once you do it is going to change your beliefs and disbelieves all the time!

Apologies for such a long read, well the book is going to be longer so take this as a demonstration. And if you don't read the book. This pretty much sums up the theme. 

Click here if you want to buy the book! - Amazon link



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