Do you know how many times the sky changes its shades in a single sunset? You wouldn't know or can just take an estimation of "many". Today, as of 8th November 2022. The sky changed its color and patterns 15 times in 1 hour. yeah, I am an MBA student, market stats are more important than sky color stats. NO. This was important. Very Important. 

Everyone has their obsessions and happy places. Mine is sunsets. When I was not being grounded by the college so much, I used to make a point that every evening I sit at my window, read a book, journal, listen to music and enjoy the sunset. I woke up from my naps especially to have this time. It is a special time of the day, which unwinds me and gives me energy for a productive evening. 

But, now, things have changed for a while. You must have people say that they are so busy that they don't get time for themselves, to sit back, and relax. It is so much chaos all around and also on the inside. Today, I realized that it mostly depends on the mindset we are in. I had tough exams, not that these pretty sunsets weren't there, but either I was too busy to notice that or we don't have the time to give it. we forget to find these small states of happiness, We forget that they exist. they always exist, are we get used to ignoring them. 

These small instances of calmness and rejuvenation are always there, sometimes it takes effort from our side to open our minds and eyes to them. I guess I will make that effort, for me. 

I guess this came out a little too preachy, but it is okay this is another thing that brings me happiness- writing. Will find some time for this too. We are always asked to give efforts, in academics, in relationships, in life - why not give some for ourselves too...? *wink wink*

So, a small reminder and advice today - Don't forget your sunsets :)



  1. Waiting to watch a sunset with you ❤️

  2. Reminds me of my recent experience of sunsets in the hills. Letting the sunset tick and thinking absolutely nothing but about the hues of sunset.


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