We as People

 If you have been reading my blogs, you must be knowing already that I am a book fanatic. I am absolutely and totally a book nerd. I was just going over my head recalling how it was while reading a particular book before I write a review.

I realized, almost all the books whether good or bad, I have a happy memory of the book. It seldom happens that I have anything strongly against any book. Even if it was a slow read or not so well written, the cumulative experience is always good, mostly. I say mostly because there are some books that make you cringe and fink whilst reading them (eg: recent Chetan Bhagat books, but on this sometime later). I am not counting them in this, as they are few in number. The point is, no matter how bad/slow a book might be, there is definitely something good.

Thinking in the same lines cant we are like that when it comes to people in our lives.  In our not-so-small life, it is obvious that we are going to meet a lot of people. Some will stay for life and some may leave, and out of them, some may be a bitter experience. But why is that bitterness stay on for life? I am sure at some point, if looked back there will be some good memories, lets's pack those up and move forward without any angst and sourness?

Collect, underline and keep the good parts of the book and move on to another! More adventure is always awaiting us.

PICTURE ~via Google



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