She is the Hero

We mostly remember all kinds of friends and people we met and spent time with, in our school days. 

But did you have that one student in your class who was a nobody to everyone? 

Once, there was a girl who would sit all alone in the class, never really interact with anyone. Didn't have any friends, the lunch breaks would be spent having lunch all by itself. Some students would be rude without any reason, and others indifferent to its existence.

Did you? I did. A girl.

The "trend" of having an introvert in the class, an outcast, someone not known to anybody, good in academics has been introduced to us by pop culture and Bollywood movies. An outcast who later goes on to become the hero of the movie. The person who is generally in the background of the story becomes the protagonist of the movie.

This girl whom I am talking about was in my junior school. I don't remember any reason why she was an outcast. I had completely forgotten about her until some minutes back it just suddenly sprung up in my mind. Some students were even rude to her, and I don't know why the rest of us were so indifferent to her existence. I can come out of the situation saying that we were just kids back then and didn't really understand the gravity of the situation. But, I think that would just be an excuse.

There was one instance where I had asked her something very normally, to which she replied very rudely. At that moment, I was taken aback and said to myself that maybe its right that some were rude to her. But later, I understand that she has been meted out with that behavior so naturally that she had presumed that everyone in the class was an arrogant fellow, so she treated me the way others treated her, It's fair, I guess.

Today, I have no idea about her whereabouts. I know life changes drastically after school. We grow out of the bad experiences, learn from them, and in some way or the other become better versions of ourselves. I really wish I could know her side of the story and apologize for not being more empathetic and kinder towards her. 
If there is one thing I want to be more and more every day. It is being Kind.
Kindness is one thing that is a very essential and beautiful element that we as humans are capable of. 

Also, I believe that she must be the hero of her story today!

PICTURE ~ via Google



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