
From the time, we have started going to school, to work, or in general, starting with life, there is one thing that we all must have heard, "Success comes with Hardwork". 

But, what is hard work? Is it studying all night? Working for 18h? Doing questions, going to multiple tuitions, always studying, what is it that comprises of hard work?

Surely, the definition varies from person to person, and many may not be aware of their definition. 

I found the meaning of my hard work in the lockdown last year. It is pushing myself to do the necessary when I don't want to. And that is a hard thing to do. Pushing myself to study, when I am low on motivation, am unsure, is hard work. It is easy to tell and advise someone about the course of action but it is often difficult for us to follow the same. Why? 
Because we are at our own disposal. 

Pulling yourself out of the pain and slumber and going to the gym EVERYDAY in spite of the muscle pain and the mental excuses in your head is hard work. Doing that will get you to reach the dream physic you want.

For me, Hard work is doing the right thing even when I am not in the zone, space and mood too. Be it be in a career, in lifestyle, or in a relationship. Everything of these needs effort. 
Because, no matter what, if I want, I can speak lovingly even if I am angry and mad. I can kick myself out of my comfort zone and do thing that is uncomfortable but will help in my growth. 

It's all Me. People can motivate and support me all they can and want. But, in the end, ITS ME.

PICTURE ~ via Google



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